
It is important to be aware that medications may contain prohibited substances. Players are responsible for checking their medication before using it - even if they have used it before - as the status of individual substances can change over time. The substances included in medications may also vary from country to country. You should consult your doctor or someone from your National Anti-Doping Organisation who is familiar with the Prohibited List and the TADP.

If you are unsure if a medication or product contains a Prohibited Substance there are a number of online tools you can use to check the status of your medication/product. One of these is GlobalDRO

Global Drug Reference Online (DRO) 

Global Dro is a useful tool to check the status of medications sold in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. 

Global DRO provides athletes and support personnel with information about the anti-doping status of specific medications and ingredients based on the current WADA Prohibited List. Global DRO provides the user with a unique reference number for each search. 

A medication or a method can be checked by simply selecting your sport, user type (e.g. athlete) and the country of purchase from a drop-down menu. You can then type in the medication name or the active medical ingredient listed on the label, and the website will provide the search results. GlobalDRO will provide you with information on whether the substance is permitted in or out of competition, by what route of administration and in what dosage. It also lists other names of the medication, along with its WADA classification (e.g. anabolic agents, stimulants, diuretics etc).

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Other databases

Many National Anti-Doping Organisations have resources for country-specific medications. These can be found under the ‘Other’ flag on the home page of GlobalDRO or at https://www.globaldro.com/home/other-countries

If after completing these checks you are still unsure about the status of your medication or product you can complete a Product Information Request form on the ITIA app.

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If you are prescribed a medication that contains a prohibited substance, you must apply for a TUE on the TADP portal. Applying for a TUE does not guarantee that you will receive permission to use that substance. To find out more about TUEs visit the TUE page.

If you wish to take a supplement then please see the Supplement page. It is not possible to provide a player with a guarantee that a supplement is free from prohibited substances, although this risk can be reduced by using a supplement that has been through a reputable sports supplement certification process. 

Information for prescribing medical professionals 

If you are a medical professional who prescribes medications for tennis players, it is advised that you set up an account on the TADP portal. Any athlete applying for a TUE on the portal will need to invite to you to complete the application on their behalf. For more information on the Prohibited List and TUEs see the TUE page.

Emergency medication 

For urgent treatment where a prohibited substance is prescribed to an athlete in an emergency, please see Retroactive TUEs on the TUE page.